Peaceful Challenge

Andrew and I were asked a while back to create a painting (or a few) for Veronica, Andrew’s sister. She and I went back and forth for a bit talking about themes, characters, sizes and everything else you could imagine.

Andrew built a few canvases for me to paint and I just started with the main one. We weren’t sure we were going to be able to do more than that anyway. Veronica asked for paintings that were zen, peaceful and something like Japanese gardens. She requested that it have all 4 seasons somehow (but didn’t have to) and that it may have birds or other small critters in it. From there we just began painting.

It changed constantly. The horizon line, the water level, the types of trees even the colors of the trees.

Until finally we figured out exactly what we wanted it to look like.


At the last minute we added the other two canvases which were a perfect addition. I loved making this so much that I was actually sad to see them go. They were so bright and colorful and fun!


The grass and the wood grain were my favorite challenge and part of all the paintings. Then came the third and final painting. I created a crane for the contrast and the bird that Veronica had requested. this smaller canvas was a ton of fun to create because I had to match the background to both of the other canvases.


We gave these to Veronica and her family the other week and they immediately hung them up. It was so incredible to see these hung on the walls- I am so excited for how they turned out as well as how much they loved them.





Hopefully some of these images show the full picture accurately.


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